Spend your travel fund on trekking, kayaking, flying, boating, driving and taking the Greyhound or the tuk tuk into the sunset in far flung places…
It’s a story that we are hearing more and more often, at the moment. Customers who have been based in London are giving up their rental property and going travelling for six months or a year and after shopping around, they discover that by coming a couple of extra junctions down the M3 or M4, they can save significantly on their storage costs, while they are away.
Saving for travelling
We can understand it completely – they’ve saved and saved for the trip of a lifetime and they don’t want to spend a penny more of their precious travel fund on storage, than they have to. And what’s the point of keeping your wardrobe in London, shut up in a storage unit?! It’s not like it needs to be on the tube network for its daily commute, is it?
This approach applies to flights, equipment, car hire – everything. That travel money is precious and most would-be travellers are squirreling away as much as possible and finding clever ways to keep costs down – cheap storage is just one of them.

Gap year travel or a career-break
So, whatever the reason for your travels – we also have some retired globe-trotters who are letting their houses and chasing the sun round the world – make sure that you spend savvy and save your pennies for the once-in-a-lifetime chance to ride the Orient Express or take a chopper ride across The Grand Canyon.
Storage for travelling
If you’re ready to start working on your budgets and planning your trip, factor in a call or a visit to Eversley Storage and our friendly staff will be delighted to help you work out what storage you need and how to get the best deal possible.